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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 7, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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you have liver or kidney problems. side effects may include headache, common cold symptoms, diarrhea, nausea, urinary tract and upper respiratory tract infection. ask your doctor about gemtesa. more time here, less time there. >> i'm announcing i'm running for president of the united states. >> former vice president mike pence. >> chris christie enters the race. >> i intend to seek the republican nomination for president of the united states. >> gavin newsom claims florida was kidnapping migrants and sending them to new york city. a video tells a different story. >> todd: thick smoke climbing the skies of the big apple as wildfires grow across canada.
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>> canada is seeing one of their worst fire seasons on record. >> from michigan to new jersey. they want you to feel uncomfortable for feeling uneasy. >> lia thomas, teammates are speaking out. >> speak out against unfair competition. >> have you ever had to apologize for being a member of the p.g.a. tour? >> p.g.a. and liv golf merge. >> people will call me a hypocrite, circumstances do change. >> steve: this is a fox news alert, it is 8:00 in new york city and 7:00 in the morning in north dakota, where the governor there, doug burgum has announced he's running for president. he made his big announcement in the op ed in the "wall street journal" explaining he wants to unleash potential of the american people and he's the guy to be president.
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>> ainsley: smart guy, rich guy. and mike pence officially launching his white house bid early this morning before our show with this new campaign video. watch. >> we can turn this country around, different times call for different leadership. before god and my family, i'm announcing i'm running for president of the united states. >> brian: right. mike pence made it clear when he showed up at joni ernst. supposed to be official at 11:30 eastern time. mike pence will do it at 1:00 in iowa. unlike chris christie in new hampshire. mike pence joins his former boss donald trump. who said nice things about him and former new jersey governor chris christie just launched his campaign yesterday and the former president did pick out the fact that chris christie he
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says, watch chris christie will go after the spiralling governor desantis. i think he will go after president trump >> ainsley: he said he's willing to take on the front-runner, desantis is willing, too. chris christie is someone to watch, someone we enjoy hearing. his sound bites can be colorful. he's not afraid. remember in 2016, he was yelling at someone who stood up and he yelled back at them. he is always interesting, can he beat donald trump? he wasn't able to in 2016, not sure he will get traction. >> steve: it is 517 days until the election. >> ainsley: the countdown is on. >> steve: absolutely. it is interesting, going back to former vice president mike pence, what they're trying to do and if the former vice president is watching, happy birthday, 64 today.
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his team -- >> ainsley: you said he is too old to run, didn't you? >> brian: way too old. >> steve: mike pence, his team will try to reintroduce him, note as donald trump vice president and not the guy that stood between the people on january 6 and the constitution, instead they are trying to reintroduce him as a conservative leader, traditional conservative leader, the guy he was in congress and the governor of the great state of indiana. and speaking of governors, chris christie took to the stage last night at st. anslems for a two-ho two-town hall, it reminded people because i remember going to new hampshire when he was running the first time temperature reminded me of in the mid-teens in new jersey when chris christie made a name for himself as a republican governor in a very democratic state and
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one big issue was teacher unions and pensions and at every town hall there would be a teacher and the former governor would get into it and all the videos went viral. >> ainsley: you raised your kids in new jersey. >> steve: absolutely, they went to public school and got a good education. chris christie did not have any notes, right up here, no t teleprompters, it was a great address. >> brian: here he is listen. >> i've seen some press coverage of me getting ready to run, its like, chris christie doesn't care about running, all he cares about is ruining donald trump. how are those things -- if i railed about nikki haley, you would go, isn't he -- doesn't he
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know trump is running. there is one and if you want to win, you better go through him, i guarantee you something for knowing him for 22 years, he will try to go through me. he will try to go through ron and nikki and tim and anybody who stands in his way. you have watched this show, it is like on reruns, like watching seinfeld. >> brian: right, successful syndication. >> ainsley: it was not cancelled. >> brian: i think mike pence strategy is wrong, 80% of the republican party is maga, they believe exactly what donald trump is doing, wants to do, maybe separate a little on the war or edges. they want his agenda, question is do they want him. mike pence can say, i did it
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all, i advised him. this is what he said in the past. to say i want to run like an old republican, that is not the republican thing to do list. i think he should come out and brace the trump agenda and say i'm better equipped, i was there every step of the way. see who gets out of single digits besides governor ron desantis. >> ainsley: stephen a smith was on hannity, he went on sean's show, my staff is telling me you are friends with chris christie. that doesn't mean you will vote for him, right? this is what he said. not trying to campaign for chris christie or anything. bottom line, he is certainly not liberal. bottom line is this, when you
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look at him and he's competent and more importantly going to be talking about issues as opposed to having us distracted with things we don't need to be distracted about. whether he wins or not, i know it is a longshot. i would vote for him before i would vote for any of the democratic candidates i am looking at. i am not impressed and i've been concerned with what i've seen and the fact he is going to be 82 years of age, he would be in the white house until he is 86 years old, in the year 2023, it is utterly embarrassing that the liberal side has him as their best candidate. what does it say about you when that is the best candidate that you can give the left? that is ridiculous. that is not a knock against joe biden, it is indictment against
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the democratic party. >> steve: there he is talking about chris christie and joe biden and things like that. donald trump came out on truth social and said regarding chris christie's speech, it was small and not very good, but then again, you got to figure chris christie would love to be on a debate stage with donald trump. donald trump you got to figure not so much being on the same stage with him. >> ainsley: i hope he debates, i want him to debate in august. >> steve: if you can't face chris christie, can you face putin? >> ainsley: i don't think it is that, he can face anyone. >> brian: he already did face chris christie. >> ainsley: he's saying why go to the debate stage? >> brian: got to get 40,000 donors, 40% of the vote. vivek ramaswamy did already. he's qualified. >> ainsley: you have to reach 40,000. >> brian: i don't think chris
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christie will endorse trump and you can't get on the stage unless you -- >> ainsley: trump last time said i'm not -- >> brian: ronna mcdaniel. >> steve: that was the rule last time, too. >> brian: i don't think trump will commit to, he said, i don't know. >> ainsley: he might say i'll commit because i'm winning and will be the nominee. >> steve: regarding mike pence's strategy go ahead and talk about being vice president. marc thiessen had a great piece and talked about the spectrum of republican voters. he said, this is how it breaks down, according to him and he's very smart guy. 25% of the republicans are hard maga. they are just all in on trump. 25%. 50% are soft maga, he described them, as people who like trump's policies, but they could be
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persuaded and 25% are never trumpers. essentially what mike pence team is banking on and they will never get the hard maga, but appealing for the 50%. >> ainsley: curious what he says about the democratic party. you have bobby kennedy jr., who is getting a big chunk of the democrat party. he is moderate, went down to the border at 2:00, he has the border wall behind him, refreshing to see a democrat admit, maybe this is not safe. >> brian: ainsley did booking yesterday, mike pence, chris christie. i got call waiting. >> ainsley: i cannot take credit, we have bookers that are amazing, look at tomorrow. >> brian: three hours, the through newest candidates. >> steve: do they still have call waiting? >> ainsley: yeah. >> brian: i don't think america
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has heard a busy signal in quite sometime. >> steve: okay. >> ainsley: to the border crisis, governor ron desantis taking credit for arranging two migrant flights that arrived in sacramento this week. >> steve: leaving the california state attorney general and governor gavin newsom to threaten kidnapping charges as they investigate. >> brian: the happiest kidnappers ever. >> ainsley: flying private and dancing and listening to music and asked, are you being kidnapped? they said no. peter. >> peter: officials are telling us they don't get why it is a big deal to send migrants to a sanctuary city, including the one in this video, they are signing waivers giving written consent to fill up two planes bound for california. gavin newsom is furious. he tweeted, ron desantis, you
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small, pathetic man, this is not martha's vineyard and attached kidnapping statute. pushback is pointing out mayors like el paso in denver have relocated migrants in the past, as well. it is not a republican talking point to say there are issues, it is a democratic one, too. r.f.k. is hitting president biden on the left tweeting, look with video at 2 a.m. this morning, i visited the border outside of yuma. you have to see it with your own eyes. hashtag, kennedy 2024. white house dispute things are that bad and want credit for a job well done. speak to is what we have seen the past couple weeks since title 42 has been lifted. we've seen legal migration go down significantly and that is because of the plan this president put forward.
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>> peter: nothing on president biden's schedule today, just lunch with vice president harris. >> steve: live report north lawn. >> ainsley: i'm getting notes on my phone, we're going to carley. moms are worried about the air quality in new york and schools are saying recess will be inside in the gyms today. >> steve: perfect segue. >> brian: we don't have gym today. >> carley: i will pick up there. recess favorite. bombardment favorite game, dodge ball. fox weather wildfire alert. live look at new york city, thick smoke from the wildfires burning across canada is clogging the skies and expected to stick around for a few more days. 17 states issuing air quality alerts. the cities with the worst air quality, harrisburg, pennsylvania is the worst, followed by rolling meadows,
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delaware. important alert for residents there. ford recalling suv's and trucks because engines could leak and catch fire. this applies to 2020-2023 ford escapes, ford mavericks and 2021 through 2023 lincoln corsaires, they are hybrids or plug-in hybrids. producer confirms on twitter golf documentary cameras were rolling when players learned about p.g.a. and liv joining forces yesterday and share more notes on the meeting after news broke. players are told liv golf is likely going away and the tour will receive 2 to 3 billion as part of their partnership. and lionel messi heading to
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miami, the soccer superstar agreed to join inter-miami co-owned by david beckham. the deal comes one week after the club offered messi 54 million per season over four years. until now the striker has been strongly linked to a billion dollar move to saudi arabia. those are headlines. he's taking less to go to miami? why would he do that? >> brian: saudi arabia throwing money to be in a bad league. and florida, david beckham, the owner, when you are done, we will give you the ownership of the team and it is now worth $300 million and david beckham got it for like 20 million. not sure it is a done deal yet. did you say? >> carley: messi seems he's in the prime of his career. remember how well he did in the world cup. >> ainsley: is saudi arabia
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doing this with every sport? did it with golf and now soccer? >> steve: our money. >> ainsley: political tie to that. >> brian: forbes is saying it is a done deal. >> ainsley: messi to miami. >> brian: best player in the world coming to america, to miami, who is in last. whenever they go, they will sellout every stadium. >> ainsley: i thought you were about to sing "welcome to miami." >> brian: never accuse me of having cadence, have you met me? >> steve: miami is about to get -- messi! >> brian: straight ahead, we'll talk about that maybe with clay and former teammate of swimmer lia thomas is speaking out saying the university of pennsylvania wanted her to stay quiet about the transgender
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issue plaguing the ivy league. clay travis next. plus -- >> ainsley: american concert series started, this is third of the summer, don't miss this, it is colby callet. register for free access and barbecue, she sings great songs and adorable. >> steve: coming friday. >> brian: remind me to build a porch.
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when i was his age, we had to be inside to watch live sports. but with xfinity, we get the fastest mobile service and can stream down the street or around the block. hey, can you be less sister, more car? all right, let's get this over with. save hundreds a year over t-mobile, at&t and verizon with the best price for two lines of unlimited. i should get paid more for this. you get paid when you win. from xfinity. home of the 10g network. we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family.
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what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. >> i thought maybe this won't continue to happen in other sports, maybe swimming is the exemption and i've seen this blown up.
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every support has been infiltrated by biological males competing on the women's side. it is okay if i get some hate, i shouldn't be scared to encourage other women to speak out against unfair competition. >> brian: that is former university of pennsylvania swimmer bravely speaking out last night. threatened them into silence after their teammate lia thomas became the champion. we know about riley and now this teammate, is this beginning to switch? are women realizing they should speak out? >> clay: yeah, i think this is uncling hoo. i want to give credit to jo kinsey, a writer. i came on "fox and friends" a while back with several anonymous teammates spoke out to
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"outkick" and to jo kenzie, one of our writers. they didn't want their names associated with their opinion. this is big and you have to give credit to riley gaines, her bravery in speaking out and reaction she has received when the vast majority much sports fans said bravo to you, this is right. allowing biological men to dominate and win women's championships is not what sports is about and i think there is now going to be an acknowledgement of this situation. i think the girls deserve tremendous amount of praise and approval. >> brian: clay, didn't get a los of publicity. rexum, brought by celebrity
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played u.s. national team, women, and beat them 12-0. they consist of people like meghan rapinoe. they said they have no problem playing against men. not for long when the brazilian center half wants to decide he is a she and win a world cup. >> clay: yeah, i think this represents, it was in dallas as these women got ready for a championship, we have a situation where 15-year-old boys beat the u.s. women's soccer team, just dallas, texas kids. i think it is particularly cowardly when athletes like meghan rappinoe, are not willing to stand up for younger women, men are bigger, stronger and faster than women and as you
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allow this to occur, it doesn't matter the sport, swimming, soccer, all of them are going to end up with the same result. it is just so cowardly of retiring close to the end of their career people like megan rappinoe, who has spoke out on different issues to be on this side. props to riley gaines, and the brave ones speaking out for younger women still to come so this doesn't happen to them, as well. >> brian: we had high school kids yesterday. nothing against transgender, whatever you do, you do, just be fair to majority of women who want to see what they can do in women's sports. that's it. it is nothing against anybody, be fair to women and girls,
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that's all. go to, get clay's great work at noon today. >> clay: thanks. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, historic day for golf fans, p.g.a. tour reaches an agreement with liv golf. what it means for players who turned down hundreds of mill knowios from the saudi-backed league. first what are top issues for 20 to 24-year-old? that is a great panel and they will decide the issues for this millenium and who their favorite anchor is on "fox and friends." oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. trying vapes to quit smoking might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop.
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>> ainsley: generation z turned out in large numbers, along with millennials last election, continue to flex strength ahead of 2024. what issues does this new generation care about most? let's check in with our panel. we were just talking to jarrod, who goes to princeton. you said you are not conservative, what issues matter most? how will you vote? >> i'm interested in seeing how the next two potential candidates do with tech policy, something i'm interested in and
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curious about. curious how they do with anti-trust prevalent in our industry today. >> ainsley: arianna, you go to new jersey. you love your coffee. what issues matter the most for you? >> what is frustrating, i pay my own college tuition -- >> ainsley: how do you do that? >> i work four jobs, it gets very difficult. there is article that over one million legal immigrants get college tuition paid for, that is in my face. i want that, i think that is so unfair. and for me to get up and work every morning is just, i don't appreciate it. >> ainsley: you didn't take out loans? biden wants to pay off loans. >> i pay all of them. >> ainsley: i'll bet your
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parents are proud of you, that is amazing. you worry about how to afford your own house one day. >> right. you look into the future and see price of housing is insane. your grandparents were able to buy a house extremely cheap, your parents, too. how are we going to be able to suffice and actually make a sufficient life for ourselves and with the economy, i'm hoping the next leader, no matter which side is able to tame that and do the job, it is not motivating and scary to see what we have to enter and the youth represents innocence and we question how to create a good living for ourselves. >> ainsley: yeah, daniel, what are your concerns? i remember being your age, it is stressful, most of us were in debt. it is expensive to live in new york city. what are your concerns? >> i agree, crime and safety is
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my most important issue. leadership institute campus reform put many stances of students wanting to defund the police. that is not the case for most students. i was born and raised in brooklyn, new york, i know how it feels late at night at the train station and you have to check over your shoulder because you are scared of crime. >> ainsley: hasn't gotten better, either. ricky in the back, you work for new york columnist, what are your concerns? >> biden proported to be unifying president, which has not panned out. i worry about family and thanksgiving tables being torn apart. i would love a unifying, maybe third party or unity ticket option or someone interested in healing divides. i don't want to grow up in a world like this. >> ainsley: do you talk about
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politics at the thanksgiving table? >> quite a lot. we are a political family, we lost the art of loving people despite differences, a lot of politicians stock that divide and im00 not attracted to that. >> michael, you go to fordham university, what are your concerns? >> the economy. i go to college and i make little money and i want to set myself up. little money i have from the side jobs i have, the issues biden presented, i'm barely able to get back, even with my parents giving me money here and there. all generation z and people at fordham university. >> ainsley: great school, what do you want to do? >> i take the punches as they come. i'm in the business school, it is a great school, but i definitely see a lot of
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opportunities, especially being in new york city. >> ainsley: on the front row brennan, university of buffalo. i wanted some in new york city. what are your concerns? >> my number one concern is the economy, next year i will graduate with my mba and will be looking for a job. i want to make sure there are plenty of jobs out there and affordability of living, cost of living is so high, i don't want to see gas at $4 or $5 a gallon, i want to afford groceries and get inflation under control. >> ainsley: what are you going to do when you graduate? >> we'll see what happens and where i go. >> ainsley: maybe new york city? >> we'll see, we'll see what happens. >> ainsley: who did the best job, is brian your favorite? brian said to ask who did the best? >> we love you all. >> ainsley: thanks, guys. coming up, new trouble for target, the retail giant caught
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donating to a group that wants to shut down mount rushmore. kristi noem vowed to protect the historic landmark and she's next. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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so we've got to know a lot of things about a lot of things. like which mower makes the cut. the mulch that finishes the look. and picking a color that pops. you got this. we got you.
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-- big cities including boston, down to richmond and here is the next 48 hours, you can see the plume of smoke moving into the areas, currently 59 with mostly hazy skies, as i mention and area of low pressure push that smoke into the region over the next couple days. saturday is when things will
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improve, for now current air quality conditions unhealthy for some areas, including syracuse toward philadelphia. looks like del marva area and the maroon area, kingston and ottawa, my hometown, we have hazardous condition. this is historic, air quality alerts up and down the eastern seaboard. this is dangerous for people with respiratory condition. worst air quality in parts of new york, pennsylvania and delaware, very unhealthy. please heed the alerts and elevated for fire weather concern where it has been dry and any spark of fire will potentially cause wildfires, we'll monitor it and send it over to carley right now. >> steve: yes, let's. >> janice: sorry, steve, say hi, real quick. >> ainsley: she's saying hi.
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>> carley: i will take it away. start in london, prince harry back in court for cross-examination goosz mirror group newspaper. the duke of sussex getting into a testy exchange with a lawyer, harry requested if he could ask the question, accusing the group of illegally obtaining information for stories. harry is first senior royal in 130 years to appear as witness in court. and dean cane is latest to fly out of california, leaving his lifelong home for las vegas, he joined us to explain why. >> love california, the most beautiful state, everything wonderful except the policies. the policies are terrible, fiscal policies, soft on crime policies, homeless policies, things leaders are doing have driven out people who can afford
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it. people are flocking in drives. when i listed my house, i cannot tell you the number of people that said, i would get out, if i could. i've been here two weeks now, smart move. >> carley: the golden state lost 211,000 residents in one year and half of those were from los angeles county alone. back to steve. >> steve: carley, go ahead and zoom out, jonathan. it sounds like superman probably flew out to vegas, if you ask me. maybe that is incentive, buy my house, i will not decrease the price, but i will leave my superman uniform in the man cave. >> brian: and a plaque, "dean cane once lived in this place."
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he got what he wanted for his house. >> ainsley: his son is grown, so now he can do what he wants. >> brian: his parents also chose nevada. >> steve: las vegas, baby. congratulations on the move. let's talk about this, retail giant target facing more backlash this morning, this time for funding a nonprofit that called to demilitarize the violent u.s. military and impose sanctions on israel, according to tax documents ndn called to shut down mount rushmore, they said, mount rushmore is on stolen lacona land and the symbol is of white supremacy. kristi noem joins us right now. what do you make of this,
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governor? >> i'm right in front of mount rushmore. it is crazy, what ndn collective says cornerstone battle against freedom, they want to take away mount rushmore and it is a institution of what america understand stas for. they have fundeden its of millions of dollars and gave $50 million to use to be anti-america, anti-military, anti-cop and anti-israel. this is a very extreme organization that is raising dollars from nonprofits, such as target and going forward and buying land and using to infiltrate our value system. love to shop at target. we can't anymore. the rest of the country is worried about having fun and going out and shopping and
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enjoying a store, that store is tearing down this country and we have to have real conversations about protecting our freedom. >> steve: target is having a bad month, just saying. >> well, deserved. >> steve: you are there in south dakota, the governor to the north of you in north dakota, about burgum, is jumping into the 2024 race. you know him, you're both republicans. what do we need to know about this guy? >> well, he wanted me to promise i wouldn't talk about how we beat them in the national championship football game last year. he wanted me to stay away from that upon toic, i'm not able to do that today. go, jacks. doug burgum is a nice man. what is interesting, people that keep jumping in, they got to show us how they are going to win. the more people they get in,
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strengthens president trump. they need to ask what kind of president do we need. it is what do we need as a country, who is going to protect the united states of america. >> steve: sure. governor, in the last year or two, some suggested that you might actually get in. any interest? >> well, again, wrong question, steve. wrong question. it is really what we need to be asking, we need a president that does things and stands up when it matters. where were these people with covid and overreach of authority and businesses were closing. where were people when we had a fight over value system. i want to see what they did when times were tough, that is who we need as president. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: dozen minutes from top of the hour. from driving toive drooing, next guest working for uber and he
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qualified for the u.s. open this week. barry henson joins us with his story coming up. first let's check in with dana perino, who yesterday had wonderful pastries onnure on plaza. >> dana: that was a beautiful setup and i hope i get invited back. thank you, steve. only happened twice in u.s. history, where the vice president runs against the president he everybody issed with. it is happening today, former vice president mike pence gets in the race. america's upper midwest and east coast under dangerous air quality problems from the wildfires inun ka. what you need to know until it clears. they lost loved ones on 9/11 and they are upset about the liv and p.g.a. merger, golf world gets a shakeup and three high school students who followed the advice of mike rowe will join us. bill hemmer and i will see you
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-- -- >> ainsley: qualified for the u.s. open going against biggest
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names in the game. barry henson joins us from palm springs. barry, congratulations. >> thank you so much, thank you for having me on the show, this is a treat and my dad watches your show every morning, is tickled i'm on here. thank you. >> steve: tell us, you started driving for uber when you were not playing golf. when you are done with this interview, you get in uber and drive around palm springs today? >> probably do one ride to the golf course, my typical routine when i'm home and do a couple rides when i leave the golf course today. i enjoy it quite a bit, i enjoy talking to people and when they find out what i do for a living, they enjoy the rest of the uber drive. >> ainsley: my dad would love to have you as an uber driver. he would talk your ear off and love to know about the asian
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tour, you have 4.99 star rating with uber. tell me about your family. i'll bet they are so excited. did your dad get you involved in golf? you were five when you started playing. how does your family feel? will they be there to support and back you? >> my family is coming out. it is going to be amazing. my grandfather started me in the game of golf when i was five years old. my dad gave me basketball, i love basketball. i decided i'm white and can't jump and golf is going to be better avenue for me. i turned pro and trying to get on the p.g.a. tour, i came so close to getting to final stage, ended up going to asia, had success. love it, asian tour has been amazing place to start my career
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and living in thailand most of the year and enjoying success all over the world. >> brian: barry, everyone is pulling for you. how much would it mean for you toic mathe cut? >> i'm shooting higher than that. i got to ep coo my foot down, i felt my game is set for u.s. open, so we'll see how it goes. >> ainsley: we are praying for you. >> steve: hito your dad. >> ainsley: hi, dad. >> brian: more "fox and friends" in a moment. choice hot els hal for every type of stay. like a comfort with the kiddos. spacious! that's what they all say. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct at
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♪ >> it's a clear day in jacksonville, florida. i it's >> bill: zb morning, there are millions of americans that have seen this in the skies waking up again to a haze of smoke. canadian wildfires darkening skies across the northern u.s. triggering air quality alerts in massachusetts and minnesota. air pollution in new york city some of the worst in the world. eric adams will hold a news conference a few moments if now and bring you updates. first we have this on the trail. chris christie promised he came out swinging and running for


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